{bd89a58e-cc9a-4a10-a26d-75094820ec93}_optimize_logo Leap Ahead with Testing in 2010

Attend this webinar to find out how to lift your conversions by 20-50%

According to Forrester, 48% of marketers want help demonstrating ROI on testing. Is your competition in the group that hasn't discovered testing yet? Don't count on it. The innovative half of marketers want the business-case answers we provide in this webinar, the first in our Optimization Series:

• How do I test offers, messaging, or sign-up forms?
• What is site testing and optimization?
• What types of sites and pages can benefit the most from testing?
• What are the tangible business benefits of site testing?
• What are the associated costs and sourcing options?
• What does a typical ROI calculation look like?

Optimization Webinar 1: Build Your Business Case for Optimization
Thursday, Dec. 17
11 a.m. PST
