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The cost of information versus execution

We hem. We haw. We decide. We buy. We go. Then what? First,
let’s go back to the start. What is the education budget of your dealership?
There is likely a marketing budget, a maintenance budget and even a coffee budget
(especially if you’re a high-line store). Where is your education budget? How
much is spent on outside support and consulting away from a vendor rep or “consulting”
reseller that simply pushes products and trains on them specifically?

Sure, it is important to take care of your image, your
facility and your customers. However today, more than ever, the investment made
in dealership staff is more important than the payroll investment and on par
with any other expense or cost center. The number one thing that can move a
business forward is typically forgotten, let alone budgeted for.

So the dealer, general manager, marketing or Internet
manager make it to a conference. Once everyone is happily back in the nest, 30-95%
of what is learned is lost or not executed on (delayed loss). $2,000-3,000 is
spent to have one to two people there; however sustainment investment typically
runs about 5-10 times what the event does. Where’s the investment to ensure the
information, implementation and platform for success? $10,000 will usually be
spent in a flash to simply appease the manufacturer’s rep with some local newspaper
advertising to push the new model,
where’s the $10,000 over six months to keep the dealership staff on the leading edge?

Information is great, fantastic, liberating and exciting.
However the actual implementation and sustainment is more so and the other
benefit is you actually get to see the results rather than simply reminiscing “remember
back at that conference when the guy (or gal) talked about doing that new thing”
and then getting back to doing things the way you…always have.

The cost of the information is practically zero. Yes, some companies
and publishers in the industry charge you for webinars with expert speakers but
where’s the follow up and how do you actually do what they’re talking about.
The cost of implementation is significantly higher but it’s the only way to get
the results.

Don’t go to the conferences if you won’t back it up with the
real investment. Don’t send your staff to get information that, with about five
minutes of searching on Google, is otherwise available within the confines of
your dealership. And don’t send your Internet director for the “amazing networking
events”. Get the rubber to meet the road by attending, considering, spending,
measuring*, reviewing and reinvesting.
 *measuring that involves using a proprietary
dashboard rather than an unbiased third party is typically a short-sighted

The greatest reward any dealer will receive from their
digital marketing is no different than any other investment, like a facility
upgrade or a redo of the fixed operations department. It causes people to work
and think in fresh ways, generating better results.

Invest in the best assets you have and make those efforts
ongoing. Replace "I liked that conference a lot and will likely go again, especially if I can fit in a couple rounds" with "I can't believe the growth we've had from doing what the speakers taught us about and am already booked for next year".

See you at the conferences!


Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

Getting Ready For Digital Dealer And DrivingSales Executive Summit? Here’s Some Tips

Tickets? Check. Hotel? Check. Registration? Check. FlipCam? Check. SmartPhone? Check. A plan to make what you take back with you work? Ummmm. Not checked!

Digital Dealer 9, DrivingSales Excecutive Summit and JD Power Internet Roundtable are right around the corner. Have you mapped out your sessions? Have you made a commitment to have executable items upon your return? Some alerady have planned for success.

So, here some ideas to get ready before you head to Las Vegas in a couple weeks. It might make the investment worth it!


Is It The Chicken Or The Egg? Nope. It’s The Customer!

A long time ago we lost focus. Then got it back. A while ago we lost focus, and got it back. A short bit ago we lost focus. Somehow it came back together. Ah, the joys of the automotive industry. Factory, retail, supplier, service provider…all of us. It's about the customer, always has been, always will be. Why does the perpetual machine forget so easily?

In a world that where everyone expects to be right, as customers, it's amazing how far off base we are. This goes for how retail thinks about, talks about and, most of the time, treats customers. And unfortunately this is the way most dealers are treated as customers, too. Simply put we're in a world where commitment wins but when you look for support, it seems to have "left the building".

This is the case in today's world: consumer controlled content. Dealers wanting to move forward and their vendors standing in the way (many times backed by the factory/headquarters standing in their way). If you sell a car with rear seat entertainment and heated/cooled leather seats, you can't tell the customer "we're working on it, it'll be here soon" or "Oh, I'm sorry, that package can't get those options. Did I tell you it came with those?". So why is that what happens and, more often than not, is accepted by 20,000 dealerships from their vendors?

What may need to happen is a reevaluation of what is expected. What may need to happen is putting the customers (along with the chicken and egg) first. What may need to happen is more participation of online groups and communities rather than just a few speaking and providing a real value. Lately we're watched as the value has slipped, content to validate positions is more re-purposed than ever, pitches and and vendor tirades rule. Nobody can hear the egg break above the screaming.

Generally speaking, people don't want to be accountable. Are you a dealer or management? Beware of broken focus. Maintain your commitment to improve your business consistently online and offline. Remember that once a decision has been made, every decision is on purpose. We've (happily) watched dealers do this for the past two and a half years.

If you're selling, are you treating your business as an entrepreneur? Are you treating every customer as your next ticket or your last? Ask yourself: what's the most important part of my business? The walk, the drive/demo, the pencil, the close or the prospecting? If you didn't answer 'prospecting', and we're not counting walk ups, you've got to ask your self what you're doing.

Take time to take a step back and ask yourself why you're in business. If it's to excel, make it happen. If it's for a check, then you know what to do…hopefully.

Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

The Square Peg, The Round Hole and Public Opinion. How Can The Dealer Win?

The factory, the product, the media coverage, the recalls, the blitz of lacking and half-cooked information. When does the dealer get the coverage? When they're closing, exposed as corrupt or so-called environmentalists torch their lots. Welcome to the square peg and the round hole in the automotive industry, if not the perfect storm.

And who's to blame for the lopsided ego-train? Yes, the factory is guilty: plain as day. More than not, they treat the dealer like a flea on the 800-pound gorilla. But so is the dealer base. For the last couple decades, the dealers have waited for the new models, created mediocre-at-best, self-indulgent print and radio ads, greeted fearful (or at least resentful) customers in less-than-desirable locations and then wondered why they have the (earned) reputations they do.

With exception to the leaders in the industry, dealers have not done much to truly brand and distinguish themselves. Don't get 'yer panties in a wad yet: We're not saying that you don't impact your communities, gainfully employ many or that you don't feed tax revenue into your city's coffers. What we are saying is that the dealer brands have not matched, let alone eclipsed, the nameplate and that is sad. Today would be one of those days if you happen to sell one of two import brands…and we all know that the domestics have had their days as well.

There has not been a better time ever to build a sustainable brand aside from what the factory does. And wouldn't you want to do something different?!?!?! Have you paid attention to most car ads? Have you seen the POPs that are created for showrooms? You're better off putting one of those 40-foot high lizards or cylindrical men with billowing arms on your roof! Actually, please don't do that, 1986 called and they want their marketing back.

How does the dealer win today?  Start competing with the factory by becoming your own media. On the web it's more achievable for less money than you'd ever imagine, if you do it right. You might even start working with your customers and actually source, communicate and retain them successfully. There are some OEMs that actually want to take over your CRM and relationships but it's not because they can do it any better than the dealer can. Truth is it's not happening correctly at retail. This evening I was talking to a successful local dealer group that has one of their import stores source nearly every walk-up the same way in their CRM: simply click the first drop down choice. CRAP!

The foundation for winning is simple, it's just not easy: unbreakable processes, management from the top down, complete comprehension of systems and support and a die-hard commitment to the customer. If we don't do that, it's all for naught.

These are still very trying times in automotive (special mention to the banks!). Maybe we can all start by simply trying to keep ourselves from making it any harder. Start internally. Then make sure your 'home' is in great shape. Then concentrate on the customers. Then, alas, take care of the factory.

Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

Dealeritis or Vendoritis? Has The Game Changed At All?

There seems to be a perpetual struggle in the dealer world between the client needing services, needing to change/improve, needing to stay in front of the competition and the vendors needing new places to hock their wares, prove their value, bang the 'we're the leader' drum and pay back their investors. They're both right while not typically paying attention to each other.

In the course of recommending vendors, after assessing the needs of the client, it is sometimes difficult to pinpoint what services will be beneficial. This is more the case today with some providers offering truly integrated, real-time solutions. There are times when, over the course of an engagement, fitting vendors are brought in to do their jobs, but in hindsight it's realized that one larger provider could have done the work. And likely at a lower price while providing a more streamlined experience.

It is always appropriate to push for the larger picture and achieve more but automotive retail has been hit hard over the years with less-than-promised services at outrageous prices and lackluster support. This has been painfully evident with DMS and CRM systems. Many dealers are numb to the pitch today. But have they turned a deaf ear and a blind eye when now is the right time to hear them out again?

Many consultants have the benefit of working with leading-edge and/or forward thinking dealerships and it is a pleasure. In providing best practice recommendations (i.e. the suggestions are honest and the vendor doesn't pay anyone a finder's or recurring fee) it is always necessary to keep goals in mind while ensuring the possibility of exceeding them. Too often the client feels it's the vendors job to 'perform' and the vendor feels it's the client's job to do so as well.

Getting over this 'dealeritis' and 'vendoritis' type of game is essential. and many think it's not happening fast enough. One event started changing things last year and we need more change.

What suggestions do you have to get vendors and dealers together in not-simply-for-large-profits-for-the-promoter forums around the country? Can it be sponsored so the cost is free-to-low for everyone and vendors pitch or should it be a pay-your-way-and-bring-a-sack-lunch event? This is the year of the automotive community: pitch in so you'll win!

Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

Resolutions? Who Needs Resolutions? We’ve Got WORK To Do!

It's no coincidence that by using the term 'resolutions' as
temporary markers, we're able to miss our goals and targets. In an industry
that's usually more comfortable with what worked 10 years ago, why waste time
with "I wish"? Fact is, by resolving to do something it means that
you're going to do it.

If you're lacking resolve, find someone that can help you with it. This is not
a plea for you to run out and get a shrink, not at all. Rather being resolute
about how you manage your business, as a GM or a sales person or a porter, is entirely up
to how well you plan your work. And when you think about the work involved with
your entire online presence, business and infrastructure, it's not about being
the 'do it all person'. That method will lead to disaster.

2010 will be a dividing and defining year, but not by the forces
of government intervention, the factory guillotine, lack of the 'perfect' new model or even that location you've been eyeing for years. It will be a year of the haves and have nots: either your 3 P's (plan, people and partners) will provide you with the better option or not. Here is the best starting point that we can recommend rather than spitting out another list of vendors, processes or simple recommendations that can be easily duplicated next door:

1. Where are you? Why are you there? Think about this in terms of where your greatest opportunities are for growth. Some things are completely transparent, like Google rank results, conversion rates and revenue per PO (just as examples) and some are not, like sourcing, third-party expenses and advertising in untracked media.

2. Who's with you and who's not? If you've not weeded out your staff in a while, you're lying to yourself. There is some huge talent out there that can not only move the needle forward, they can likely add some sorely needed spark and sizzle to the rest of the people that claim to love coming to work. 'Stick In The Mud' and 'On The Bubble' are not a fun games to play for two years in a row…

3. What changed that you ignored or missed? Usually a massive change in results comes from more than the other franchise having a stellar month while you tanked. If something big shifted, start with asking your customers, your prospects and those that opted to go somewhere else. The insight will do more for you that pulling the wool over your eyes. This is not a 'social media play', this is a 'get yourself dirty play'.

4. Do you have buy in? Another thing to consider is who's behind you. If it's not a majority or all of your staff voting on how things get done, it's time to be open. Not humor, Not simply listen. It's do or die time and if people don't think you care about them , they won't care about you. (hey, customers think the same way. wow!) The 1976 way of handling sales and staff meetings should be 86'd.

We could go with 'finely tuned engine' or something cheesy like 'firing on all cylinders' but you have to do the things that will really impact your business. Aside from that you MUST fire vendors that don't do their job and stop excusing poor performance.

Today a dealer talked about taking the bold step of letting a vendor go that was so far from doing their job. At a rediculously low price. For something the store didn't really think about. Tomorrow, they're going to take it in-house, spend more money, get the job done right and will likely see the results from their efforts…two to three months from now. What are you doing that, if you'd take five minnutes to think about it, doesn't make sense.

If you can't find anything that's broken, here's another recommendation: Walk into a non-automotive business and whatever you notice that absolutely bothers the $#&^ out of you, ask your employees to stop doing it and take suggestions from them to improve. Why? Because there's a 95% chance that your business is doing the same thing.

2010 is full of promise. There will be those dealerships that hit the ball out of the park. There will be those that barely get on base consistently. There will be those that can't even get the batting helmet on. There will be those that aren't even in the game.

Your chance is to own the whole frickin game…

Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

So Much Good Stuff…Does It Make You Want To Ignore It All?

It's no secret that over the past few months things have really been taking off in the online automotive space for dealers and a lot of attention is being paid to the more leading edge, innovative companies (and some not-so-leading-edge ones).  It really seems that retail is starting to embrace, at a minimum, the 'change' in mindset.  At the same time it's not too hard to see that it may be overload.

When you consider the amount of good information, new technology, availability of tools (especially those that are free or inexpensive), vast selection of downloads/blogs/webinars and more, it really seems like a heyday for flipping the switch and going forward like a gleaming new Boeing 787,  But just like the impressive 'Dreamliner", you can't get off the ground if your resources aren't trained for the flight.

We still seem to be hamstrung by our best resource: staff, desire, goal-setting, application, training and simple commitment.  In a recent meeting, a general manager was talking about how he'd like to offload the lead handling to a staff member.  Yes…a GM wanted to have someone else take up the task of correctly touching, responding to and managing the leads.  Huh?!?!?!?!?

All of this made me flash back to the AM/PM radio spots with their campaign "Too Much Good Stuff".  We can SEO/PPC/CRM/DMS/PMA/CPO/RO/MICKEYMOUSE a dealer to death.  By the same token, you've got to be able to execute on all of those lovely acronyms.  Start with the leads.

Don't have the right person(s)?  You had better look at all of your sales staff.  Don't apply any excuses to any one of them.  Can't type an effective email?  Chances are you can't communicate very effectively on the floor.  Sorry, you must not ignore one and not the other.  They go hand-in-hand.  Can't turn on a monitor or CPU?  Just imagine that all of the 'old dogs' on your sales floor had to learn something about navigation/Bluetooth/OnStar/Sync/back up assist/iDrive and more on new cars over the past few years.  And chances are your 40-50 plus year-old techs in the back have had to learn something (actually a heck of a lot) that's new under the hood.  Again, stop excusing lack and ignoring ignorance.

Don't have someone that can lead efforts on your website, integration, social media, templates, vendor management and more?  You need one.  Don't hire a salesperson to do it…and don't hire an IT person either.  Hire someone with a balance of skills covering all the aspects: communication, technology, customer service and ensure that it's someone that can conjugate what they'll do for you, not what they did for someone else.

Understand, staff, educate, execute and then lead with some consistent effort and passion.  Every dealer that wants to thrive, let alone survive, must be able to assess and improve on ALL aspects of their presence, brand and sales, especially online.  To get better results you've got to think and do things differently.  And that doesn't mean thinking differently by keeping the person on that has been selling 3-6 cars a month for months just to have them post in social media networks (by the way, that's a mistake!).

Here's a challenge: Make your business plans by December 31, target your staff and online needs, plot your strategy, write everything down, stick to it all year long and (here's the hard part) do everything that you're in control of and ignore the rest.

The difference this coming year between you making online work for you and not making it work can be devastating.  Make "Too Much Good Stuff" work for you and then take it all…

Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

I Think We Can…I Think We Can…We Better Think We Can

Boy, things were really humming there for the longest time and then the train ran off the track, or maybe the wheels simply came off. No matter what, we got to find out what it would be like for the industry to have a brake test. But instead of 60 to 0 in 137.6 feet, it was more like 17 million to under 10 million in a blink (try that supercars!)

Add to that the fact that somewhere along the way, we got just a little more than complacent…ok, we got really frickin' complacent! Now we have the choice to do things over the way 'we' did, or go down the road less traveled.

So we have to ask ourselves collectively some tough questions. Do we advertise the same way we did? Do we communicate the same way that we did? Do we build the same way we did? Do we sell the same way we did? If so, how can we expect different results? And for those that want to wait, how can you expect anything doing that?

Many indicators seem to show that we're doing a lot of the old things and just a few new things, and neither incredibly well. To get the results we truly want, it is so important to be realistic, admit when we can't do what's expected, challenge ourselves to new ways of thinking and get out of the way when it's time. If this train is getting back on the track, it had best be a brand new track and the engine clearly needs replacement rather then modification.

No matter what you're doing, start thinking and acting like consumers and start believing that success is our only goal. I'd like to tell you that the latest ads on TV, spots on radio, full pages in the magazine and full-disclosure rant in the newspaper were absolutely effective. Since I don't do any of those activities, I can't. And none of the people I regularly hang out with or talk with do either.

If we start thinking and believing that we can, and it truly shows, it'll likely happen. It's not rocket science. It's not about ignoring other very related issues. If we are going to be successful, we have to do it by ourselves. We have to believe that the results will be there because we did everything we had to…not somethings, everything.

And I think we can, I think we can (insert favorite choo-choo noise now).

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results