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Digital Signals: Hate The Player Or Hate The Game?

No matter how much it’s discussed, there are still massive
amounts of misinformation in addition to retail kick back in regard to social
media in general and what it does specifically for car dealerships. However the
simple question still remains the same: why?

It’s almost 2013 and some social signals are already making
a significant impact on local search queries and a couple networks are
absolutely affecting search engine optimization. Almost nobody at the OEM
level, not one of the existing enterprise social media providers and most
vendors have demonstrated proper use, understanding or leverage of social to
benefit you. It’s sad, however most dealers aid in this continuing and continue
to buy “services” from them…

If you’ve simply hired a social media company to “manage”
your social network content, you’ve likely made zero or near-zero impact on
local search as well as branding, defending SERP positions and a list of other
benefits. We see this continually via mediocre dealership Facebook pages,
auto-feed only Twitter accounts, automated blog posts copied onto hundreds, yes
hundreds, of other dealership blogs and copied Pinterest photos; the result? Complete
disconnect from people on their networks.

“But it’s not selling cars!” or “I don’t care about that
social garbage, that’s not what we do”, or “When it shows results, we’ll jump
on it properly” responses demonstrate that what’s happening in digital simply
hasn’t sunk in. Yes, there’s lots of talk, just very little good action, let
alone great. So are you going to hate the player or hate the game?

Most simply want to hate the game, not who’s doing it at the
dealership or outsourced to (aka the player). 
Some hate the player recognizing that the game is not to blame. However,
it’s neither. Our focus continues to go, inexplicitly, to BS “traditional”
marketing especially when there’s a sunny financial or industry volume
report.  There’s a near blanket of
ignorance put toward the largest, yes largest, shift in media consumption. And
we all do it. Well, over 90% of us.

How can you book an airline ticket online after checking
Kayak or Travelocity, or buy a pair of boots you’ve never tried on before with
glowing reviews, or even do a stock trade on your phone, tablet or computer
followed by sharing your gain on Facebook and then turn around and ignore
what’s happening with the socialization of media and search?

Digital signals are unavoidable. More importantly,
everything we do affects how others consume products and media, let alone

So hate the player if you want, or hate the game if you’ve
got a louder voice or bigger fist, but when you finally decide to pay
attention, make investments, educate staff properly and turn the tides in your
favor, don’t complain if it’s too late or that someone else is eating your
lunch. It’s already happening.


Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

Automotive Online: Let’s Start From The Start

First, this is not a "back to the basics". The basics are constantly changing so anyone telling you to get back to anything likely can't get to the "now" things. So ignore them. If you're online in the automotive world (which should be everyone) there are a lot of things to do, keep up with, pay attention to, understand, investigate and network about. With the ongoing approach of "buy this", "you need that" and other distractions, let's look a quick look at what you should already have done:

1. Brand: The way people identify with you. Not a slogan. Not a mission statement. A brand is something people can experience at your business and take with them.

2. Staff: The right people make all the difference. It's any business's greatest asset, even if your facility cost over $50 million. Educate, listen, compel, challenge, equip and support them.

3. DMS: Are you simply using it or are you getting the greatest value out of one of the most critical pieces of technology? Hopefully you have one that gets development support behind it, provides regular training and updates and allows you to run your business from anywhere.

4. Website: Simply put it should be on technology that is up-to-date, work on all platforms and browsers, have a mobile version, integrates fully with your inventory, has a sitemap, allows full CMS access, has been submitted to all the major search engines, built on real SEO (yes, you have to pay for that), receives real updates, allows for use of video, social media and other necessary technology integration and is not controlled by your OEM.

5. Google analytics: Track your website(s). Track everything about them. Stop flying blind. It even helps you do other things.

6. Phone tracking: Why would you believe you educate and support your staff (anyone who touches a customer) without using phone tracking? You can't identify issues you don't know about and you can't teach (especially role play) without the right tools. Like someone hearing themselves.

7. Google Places: Your location, claimed by you, with all relevant details and descriptions, using photos and videos, leveraging Boost, using all provided analytics.

8. Reviews: Ask for them, explain the benefits in consumer terms (stop saying "would you do me a favor", please), display them, take care of customers that don't feel appropriately taken care of, use photos, use video and promote throughout your facility.

9. Inventory management tools: If you actually sell cars, stop using your gut and start using a tool that assists your genius mind with tools that help market your inventory, shows your pricing in the area or beyond, pushes your cars to your website and other places on the web you choose, has reporting, lets you use technology real-time on the lot and allows you to track performance wherever you are.

10. CRM: Input everything. Track everything. Measure everything. Tie it all together. And remember: the store owns the customer. The salesperson owns the relationship. Not putting all the data you can into the records in your CRM? You might as well cut a hand or foot off. It's what you're doing to your and your store's revenue potential.

11. Social networks: Get the first 10 down. First. Then call someone (not a guru).

These aren't by any means new ideas, bold suggestions, compelling insights or amazing shortcuts to your impending success. At the same time, they are grossly missed. Every day. By most dealerships in the country. It's one thing to have someone hold you back. It's an entirely other thing when you are holding you back.

If your business is not set up right,how can it perform its best?


Best Practices: Professional Insights, Powerful Results


Getting and Keeping Customers Through Digital Marketing Strategies

You'll get a clear playbook, based on hard data, clearly defined tactics and illustrative case studies, for how to make the most of the digital tools that are driving business results.


Speaker: Geoff Ramsey, eMarketer CEO (see below for more info on Geoff)
What: Getting and Keeping Customers Through Digital Marketing Strategies
When: Thursday, February 4, 2010, 1 PM ET/10 AM PT

Geoff Will Brief You On:

  • Effective digital strategies used in retention such as e-mail, mobile, social forums, apps, widgets, and webinars
  • The wide range of digital tools that are used in acquisition such as search, online video, social networks, and other viral sharing and peer-to-peer tactics

Click Here to Register

In today's tough economy, marketers need to simultaneously hold on to existing customers and constantly bring in new ones in order to be competitive and survive. New digital technologies and tools can support both these objectives—usually more cost-effectively than traditional media and marketing efforts.

The Letters Of Success…Acronym Style (Sort Of)

It's important that, from time to time, we stop to focus on the principles behind the goals we're aiming for in business and delivering the best customer experience. No matter what you're selling, you have to believe in what you do 110% and your business needs effective management, tools and support. Success comes from doing things over and over again, learning perpetually, listening intently and doing those things always.

Too often in 'our' industry there is a reluctance to look forward since the 'past' worked so well (sounds like a cop out to me!). In an attempt to bring us back to reality, here are some ways to think about the fundamentals in a way that hopefully works for you…

Engagement through
Sales and

Advocates of
Name and

uidance and

Employment of
Comprehensive tools
Outreach and customer
Generation for

It's a must for suppliers, not just retailers:

Need and
Of your

This one is a little blatant (and selfish) but you'll surely get the point:

Senseless ways and
That I
To hire one

All humor aside, it is critical to aim for success, build environments for success and be part of success. Remember that you don't find success (and it doesn't find you), you create it. One of the most niche products I've come across in the past 20 years is Camelback's hydration pack. They carved out quite a following. Their slogan? "Hydrate of Die". True: if you don't hydrate, you will die! And if you don't find a way to learn, do things differently (not just for the sake of it) and plot your course for success, you will die. Failure is part of success. Resistance, running, avoiding and simply burying your head in the sand, however, are futile.

Lead, be great, plan and succeed!

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results