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Webinar: Ward’s eDealer 100


Ward's Dealer Business Editorial
Director Cliff Banks will introduce you to successful dealers from the
Ward's e-Dealer 100, each of whom have implemented unique sales
strategies for driving sales.  The Ward's e-Dealer 100 is considered
the industry's benchmark for measuring top franchised new car
dealerships by Internet sales, and we've selected dealers from the list
to offer insights into the business practices that helped get them on
our ranking, and to describe how they'll keep sales rolling in during
an economic slump.

Our webinar discussion will offer real-world
examples and best practices to help you craft new strategies to ensure
you stay strong through this challenging sales climate.  You can't
afford to miss it!


Webinar: Industry experts REVEAL THE POWER of 1st Party Leads




By now you understand the capabilities (and limitations) of 3rd
party leads. But have you heard of 1st party leads? Join our
interactive webinar and learn how generate the highest quality leads
directly from your website.

What You Will Learn:

1st party leads close at a higher rate with higher profits

Not all leads are created equally

How to harness the power of your website to generate higher quality leads

How to implement a first party lead strategy at your dealership

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT (11:00 AM – 12:30 PM PDT)


Because it’s whatcha whatcha whatcha want!

Let's face it: everything that happens is due to your choices. Your job. Your successes. Your failures. Your knowledge. Your doubt. Your leadership. Your mindset. Your resistance. Nothing defines us more than…us. Performance is an indicator of readiness, focus and opportunity.

So why is it that the more things change, the more people want to stay the same? Dealers want more from less but will still buy things that absolutely make no sense. General managers say that they only want their people to sell but expect the factory to feed them. Salespeople say they want more customers but don't do the activities to back it up.

What is it exactly that you want? What is it that floats your boat? If you want to rise in the morning and achieve mediocrity, you should do it somewhere that people don't expect much. Greater things are expected in our industry and that should not change. Leaders are not born; they're made, built and modeled. If what you want is to excel, be the best at what you do. If you're going to succeed, do what successful people do!

Unfortunately we're in a 'wait and see' world. In one of my other businesses, it's always interesting talking with people about creating income. They're worried about the economy, their job, money, savings, college for kids, investments, etc. Ask someone if they're open to making more money and invariably you'll hear 'yes' immediately. Tell them there is actual work involved and listen to how they're too busy, their pet died a couple months ago, their uncle is coming into town in 14 weeks and other excuses that will not only blow your mind but show the lack of desire or drive!

Know goals…gets results. No goals…gets results. What you want has do be matched by what you'll do to achieve it. Make it your business to believe, visualize, announce and then get your results.

SO…what'cha what'cha what'cha want?

p.s. Sorry! It is 'stolen' but I couldn't avoid that title. Full credit to the Beastie Boys and so appropriate here… In the event that you actually do something new, please comment and let us know how you're getting what you want…and more power to you!

What Are You Paying Attention To? You…Or The Customer?

You know what? I can't blame you!  Now days it so easy to just think about yourself and your needs when a customer comes through the door toward you. Things are so slow on the showroom floor, you might have to role play with a set of 22" chromes (but they might not talk back) or do a walk around with the receptionist! No matter what, you can't stop focusing on what is truly most important.

The customer, how you treat them, what they expect, what they're prepared for and everything to do with that is what everything comes down to. Things may seem different, but don't lose your perspective! What you're paying attention to and how you represent yourself and your dealership is so critical…

If you're a pit bull dressed in Armani, you may get a sale but the next one will wait until after the 5 o'clock news has stopped talking about the attack (so to speak, of course). By the same token, don't wait for your general manager to come up to you to check your pulse.

Stay locked on your customer and really pay attention to them: their needs, their actions, their demeanor, their family, their surroundings and, yes, their engagement with you. Figure out how to influence them by paying close attention to these things and more. Half-baked salespeople get half-baked results, period.

In all fairness to the sales staffs, what is management paying attention to? What is it about your motivations that steers your team's results certain ways? Here in the Southern California area, one of the luxury brands' SUVs (which launched within the last month) was being sold at MSRP for, unfortunately, just a few days.

Then someone (alas, it always starts with someone) had to take the price down to between invoice and $500 over. On a brand new car. That people will pay window for. That people have waited for. In a market and industry where profit must be king today (behind paying attention to clients). Even without a unit to sell!

And for what? For leadership? To force other dealers? For the brief satisfaction? It's mind boggling how counter-productive dealers can be…and then complain to anyone who will listen about how bad things are. What are you paying attention to? Whatever it is, it's not beyond your nose.

In this teetering-on-the-edge-before-the-next-round-of-bad-news world, start paying attention to and doing the things that will get you the results you want, that continue to pay you, that build a volume of completely satisfied clients and ultimately keep you and your customers happy.

And it shouldn't be too hard since the next dealer is probably doing the same thing that caused them to lose the last customer!

Best Practices: Professional Insight, Power Results

If Opposites Attract, Why Didn’t I Sell 30 Cars Last Month?

Let's face it, if the simple fact was that opposites attract, every dealership would sell out of cars…every month. Actually, that's not quite true. Opposites do attract, but we're talking about much more serious issues than simply attraction. Why in the world would someone want to buy from you?

First, there's the typical stuff: Are you prepared? Do you have the same opening and closing process that you use every day? Do you know/walk your inventory daily? Do you know your ad cars? Are you qualifying your customer correctly?

Now, and possibly more important, there's the newer stuff: Do you know your website? Do you know your competition's? How many leads can you handle correctly (and not just call or email once)? How often do you network (and not just online)? How is your follow up, really? Does management have your back or are you just off the back?

When you look at things realistically, you've never sold a car in your life. Not trying for semantics here, just a honest look under the hood. Ever had a green pea outsell you? Of course! Today it's much more about everything but the sale. Don't pull the wool over your own eyes.

When recommending new technology, companies or services to dealer clients, I continue to hear the same excuse as to why they won't use/buy/check out something that will be a complete benefit: "my people are just here to sell!" And there's the problem folks (or at least the biggest after credit and flooring/financing issues).

The more you act like you did when the gravy poured, the more you'll struggle. The more you treat customers like suckers, the more your showroom will chirp with the sound of crickets. However, the more you do things the you've ignored, the more you understand how to use technology, the more you keep up-to-date and trained, the more you listen to your prospects and clients, the more success you will experience.

The world's most expensive, luxurious, technological, streamlined, incredibly fast vehicle can't do crap if it's out of gas. The most beautiful facility with gleaming service bays, hi-tech lounge, ready-to-go espresso machine and great looking receptionist can't generate a dime without the right resources.

By the same token, quit expecting better results without doing the things that have to be done: having the right associates, educating them, using technology correctly, having the best vendors and support and 'filling up the tank to full'.

Start attracting business and maintaining it instead of…the opposite.

Best Practices: Professional Insight, Power Results

How Best To Help During The ‘Auto Crisis’: IM@CS Breaks Silence

With the exception to recent Twits (@imacsweb on Twitter) on the state of the auto industry in the form of short blurbs and links, I've steered clear of commenting deeper. This blog's focus (and definitely going forward) is to educate, motivate, inform, guide and challenge…let alone be a positive light rather than a black hole. Maybe it's time to change that for one day since, chances are, it's not going to get prettier anytime soon. So without further ado, here we go:

1. The OEMs are broken (read: all), and retail is more so

With all the focus on manufacturers, loans/bailouts, government intervention, production cuts, layoffs, and the potential disintegration of the economy, no significant focus has been put on the prominent issue (in my mind): where cars are sold. We're still a reactive industry and that's no way to get ahead folks.

2. Brands for most part aren't connecting with consumers, salespeople do even less

Advertising can't happen the way it has: push, force feed, capture, bombard. Marketing has changed: one-to-one, relevant, contextual, timely, engaging, valuable. Get rid of the "when can you come down?!" mentality. You don't want that as a consumer so stop doing it. Why are you doing the same thing and expecting a different result?
Dealers: Oh, here's a new one. It doesn't matter what logo you sell on the piece of rusting metal: start selling your brand and if you don't know what your brand is, create one.

3. Budgets: Want to 'cut and wait'?…ok, in English that roughly translates to 'suicide'

If you want out, an exit strategy is recommended. If you're planning on staying in business, DO business.
OEMs: Why in the world would you cut Interactive for TV today? Don't worry, that's a rhetorical question. Shame on you. Want to stay with a current vendor instead of the newer, agile, lower cost one? Won't take meetings or talk to new suppliers: big mistake.
Dealers: You can have a viable to completely comprehensive marketing program for less than $10,000 per month (larger; less than $15,000, small, less than $7,000). Don't stop spending because it's the flavor of the week. Spend smarter, educate and support your staff (replace those you need to), understand what you're doing, get accountability and do more.

4. While 'news' media is garbage (but sells), the industry does little to battle conventional sentiment

Anyone that watches network/local news could have a better experience banging their head against a brick wall. People (smart and not-so-much) are still watching it. So what are you doing to educate your prospects, clients and others that you have a great brand (NOT the franchise!), have great products and services, have great ways to provide them with your products and services, will exceed their expectations and that you're there for them?

5. Consumers control consumption and engagement…and were still printing and running car ads?

Quit trying to fight a battle we'll lose every time. People consume content they want, when they want, how they want and where they want. Ads don't work: TV, radio or other methods are not effective. Shred newspaper, drop cable, hang direct mail out to dry and cut radio (dealers only: take your conventional ad agency out for their last expensive lunch). Communicate with people on their terms and be goshdarnwhoopdydoopty good at it.

6. Technology is the way, coupled with education and topped with strategy

Yes, new stuff can be vewy, vewy scawey (sorry, that's my best Elmer Fudd). The industry tries something new, early adopters scowl, doubting Thomas-es shake their heads and executives shrug shoulders, everyone quits. The providers get frustrated because nobody gave it a chance and consumers don't get what they want. Other major industries seem to be able to roll just a little easier. No excuses work here, just get over it and do what needs to get done.

We can run and hide, point fingers and continue to run business the way we have. Or we can pick up ourselves by the bootstraps, collaborate (boy would the earth move if that one happened), check egos at the door, innovate and get damn proud about the largest industry in the US that provides 20 out of every 100 tax dollars nationally.

OEMs: Expect more from your marketing dollars: effectiveness, return, creativity and impact. Talk to and truly consider every company that walks in your door. Try it. It might be better than what you think you have now. If you're not sure, ask a bunch of consumers and (yes) listen.
Dealers: Bank tanked? Call your local credit union! Salespeople can't cut it? Don't let your desk manager go, let him/her sell again (chances are they have the chops). Marketing: online, email, mobile (yes, mobile), CRM, one-to-one, social media and more.

This may not have the answers you are looking for. Hopefully, however, it has made you think again about at least one aspect of your current condition and started your shift from 'effect' mentality to the 'cause' side.

If we don't do it, there won't be a 'we'

Best Practices: Professional Insight, Power Results

Success: A Four-Letter Word? Not Today

It used to be, by common knowledge, that success was defined by work (and how much you did). Now days it seems success is defined by smaller multi-million dollar losses, one more gizmo sold than the competition, not spending anything compared to what you did last year and more or the like.

I'm not the first to remind everyone not to lower the bar too far or get to the point where goal setting is replaced by complacency. But I may be one of the first to say: just remember why you got into business in the first place! Now, you may have been fortunate to fall into a highly profitable business/niche just because you had the money to get in. Good job (not great, though).

If you have built your name, presence and equity with a solid foundation, it's time to kick yourself into high gear. Maintain your business plan, don't create a new one for hard times. Adjust, don't start over. Keep your edge and aim to do better than 'just maintain'.

Right now it's more important than ever to:
1. Talk with EVERY prospect and client (don't talk at them)
2. Validate EVERY opportunity you have (people do things for their reasons, not yours)
3. Set goals and write EVERY one down (you can't hit what you can 't see)
4. Follow up with EVERYONE (the ones you don't stay in touch with become someone else's best client)
5. Support EVERY aspect of your business (not just what you're most comfortable with)

Hard work is more important than ever, just remember why you're doing it and what kind of results you're looking for. If you're determined to succeed, have all of your employees, vendors and clients supporting you, continually deliver products/services and great value on time and per your commitments, chances are you'll win.

What ever you decide to do, do it well and do it every time. Here's to success!!

Best Practices: Professional Insight, Power Results

You Might Drop The Ball, But Don’t Let It Become An Anchor

When you're in sales, management or any position dealing with customers, you're likely to do it: drop the ball. It's part of the continual education process. Even today with unbelievably well-working software, applications, technology and our electronic leashes, it's inevitable that you'll not do what you were supposed to do.

So why do some people drop the ball only occasionally and recover while others seem to live in the mire of their undone tasks? Perspective, ambition and goals as well as an undying commitment to the customer. If you find that you consistently leave the 'little things' undone, get help. It's most likely that you have the ability to, but lack some of the keys to break through to success.

Lately I've had the pleasure of reading articles in ADM and Selling Iron (Brain Food) that deal with the "if we had done this, we wouldn't have had to do that" mentality. And they're totally right! Car dealerships are notorious when it comes to taking care of customers. So why not go the extra mile and make sure that you've followed up, called, delivered, asked, surveyed, invited, confirmed, qualified and more?

Many salespeople I talk to or witness after they've dropped the ball have the same issues:

1. Lack of ownership (ie. blame someone else at the dealership or the customer!)
2. Didn't set a reminder or some other tool to support accomplishing the task
3. Didn't adequately pass off the task to another responsible party (when needed)
4. Didn't ensure that the customer was completely taken care of/satisfied
5. Didn't care (which is just plain pitiful so go sell flowers or oranges on the street corner PLEASE)

If you make a commitment to handle something, do it. It doesn't matter if it's part of the sales process (which has its own ramifications), or simply sending the spare key to the customer after it was dropped in the showroom. In today's environment, it's more important than ever to dot your i's and cross your t's. The stuff that would be swept under the rug just a couple years ago will have you looking for a new job now.

We're all likely to make mistakes. Do everything you can to avoid those mistakes but following a process and following up. If you can't handle something simply don't make the comitment that you will. The difference in learning from salesmanship mistakes and not repeating them versus dropping the ball repeatedly and refusing to improve is dramatic. It's also what's separating many dealerships today.

Don't be an anchor, pick up the ball and run Forrest, run!

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

How Are Your Numbers? It Is A Numbers Game Alright So Change Things!

Anyone with a background in sales has heard, read and/or said the following: "it's a numbers game". And it's amazingly true no matter what your industry or product. The best in any field contact, communicate and retain better based on the fact that they've got to get to more people. So what is your excuse?

Let's face it, sales are not only down (some estimates last week put February's number at well under 700,000 units) but they're expected to be so for quite a while. If you're 'expecting' a turn-around in the next year or two (many are) and you're waiting…you're dead. Einstein was credited with saying "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result". Do you fall into that description? If so, there are a few categories you can slide into going forward:

1D: If you view things one dimensionally, keep talking to people. Only talk to more people. Again, it's a numbers game. Let's say your "nut" is $6,000 per month. How can you do that if traffic is down 50%? You've got to stretch your mind and get out there and talk with more people. Heck, you may have to actually give your business card out at lunch, dinner, baseball games and chamber of commerce meetings.

2D: You are used to doing more but two dimensional people just do more of the same type of activities. You've built a referral network on top of your walk-ins and repeats but it's just not delivering. Start doing new activities including taking copious notes about your clients and get your database to start working for you.

3D: Yes, you are among the people that make things happen: showroom, network, database, online, social media, email, text messaging and even, yes, live chat. While you have the greatest opportunity, don't get complacent. Since you have more people to contact from, it should be the easiest for you to move ahead!

If you don't like your numbers, do something about it. And don't do the same thing you did last time. Really do something new, creative, different, innovative. Your greatest obstacle is not your inventory or customers or location or facility…it's you. Suggest things, move things, try things, change things.

Your challenge is to work the numbers. Don't stop short under any circumstance. Plan your work and work your plan. Make sure the numbers make sense which means one thing: there's more of them.

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

What Are You Doing About What Your Competition Is Not?

Everyone's worried about their bottom line, revenues, expenses, marketing,future and what's going to happen next. Worrying so much they have forgotten how to think forward and act intuitively. Better yet, they're not even paying attention to what is not being done by competitors (in and out-of-brand) that can easily be capitalized on.

Two years we were talking about 'an edge'. Now most every dealership is talking about falling off of it. Nothing has changed…nothing! Now, you may have to be more selective and conscience. But you have to market, you have to connect, you must communicate and you absolutely need to build.

Here's a little secret about what 80-90% of dealerships in your market are not doing (or doing effectively at all):

  • Online marketing: SEO, SEM (paid search/PPC, banner ads, etc)
    • Google Analytics (please!)
  • Customer Relationship Management: email, events, incentives
  • Social networking: Facebook, Twitter, Plaxo, etc for increase engagement
    • And drives first two bullets!
  • Reputation management: DealerRater, CarFolks, MyDealerReport, Yelp, etc
    • And drives first three bullets!
  • Capitalize on resources for education
    • Automotive Digest, Digital Dealer, AutomotiveDigitalMarketing, Driving Sales
  • Capitalize on resources for training
    • Consultants, brand events, networking (chamber, local businesses, etc)

More often than not, 10% or less of the 'things that must get done' are and even when they do get done, they're not maintained. Some of the MOST fundamental activities are just not being done and for what?

  • The road to hell is paved with good intention
  • The road to debt is paved with discounts
  • The reason that 90% of people fail is the inability to deal with people
  • Nobody ever earned a dollar without spending one

These are the times when (as a good friend of mine in the industry put it) you can get a larger piece of a smaller pie or you can save yourself to death. Most everything listed here can be done for free to hundred of dollars per month.

One of IM@CS' clients has reduced their marketing expense by nearly 85%, increased their brand exposure, delivered more cars in the past month than they did over the past six, is driving over 25% more web traffic and nearly doubling their own website leads over the past three quarters. They're doing all of the above.

It's completely up to you. So what are you doing about what your competition is not? Someone has to wake up first and get going. It might as well be you!

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results