After tip-toeing around this subject
for most of the year, it's time to take a more direct approach. With more
car dealers using "social' media these days, seeing the overwhelming
amount of non-conversations are staggering! A quick visit to the majority
dealer accounts on Twitter and Facebook reveal the following:
- use of what are supposed to be social sites and
services for essentially 'unpaid' advertising - The home of the $199 lease
- Largest volume dealer in the
area - Amazing inventory
- More models arriving daily
- use of auto-follow and auto-retweet programs to 'simplify'
building followers - 30-day old accounts with
2,000+ followers - Retweets of Automotive News
articles - Consumers can't access as
it's subscription only, and why share? - limited contextual links and content
- video links are exclusively to
store's site or YouTube inventory/walk-arounds - Using same links over and over
with only slight modifications
Here's the hint that will hopefully get you to use social media for what it's
intended for: it's called social for a reason. There is absolutely
nothing remotely social about car prices, lease specials, inventory, and 'buy
Social is about conversation, influence, sharing, participation and ultimately
growing your virtual community. And take note: this happens after
time. It's organic and you have to learn. It's not about control,
rants (although those can be fun in moderation), telling, limitation or
virtually throwing the keys on the roof. Nobody cares about 100 tweets
telling how much you'll promise to save them, less the fine print.
Share funny stuff, eye-opening stuff, cool videos, first-to-market stuff,
did-you-know stuff, share fun events, invite people over to do things for free
and ultimately build a relationship around having conversations. You'll
be amazed at how many customer service situations you can remedy, how many
times you can correct someone's misunderstanding about a capability or spec on
a vehicle and ultimately plant some seeds so that, when it's time, you already
have a customer that doesn't give a rat's behind that you are giving away gross
on "1 car at this price'.
So take some time and learn, understand and start participating instead of just
posting. Just participating in social media doesn't give you any passes
or kudos. Be real, be original, be compelling and be relevant. If
you know you're market, friends, followers and customers, chances are you'll be
more successful.
Dealership staff: Don't talk to people. Talk with people. Listen to
people. Create a valid, unpaid following that is interested in what you
share. Be fun. Be intentionally unintentional.
Go ahead, dare to be unique and different. You might just end up being really social…
Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results