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Posts with result tag.
When A Spade Is a Spade…And Knowledge Is Only Part Of The Game

Too often in sales we live off of past glory, or lack of. While past performance is not an indication of future results, it may just be what many people look for (look up the definitions of comfort and settle). So, salespeople, what are YOU doing to change your reality? Waiting for the next sucker?

Business has changed. Has your team changed with it? Take a look at your paycheck before you answer. Many people talk about change the way they will talk about the Laker's win tonight: as a passing interest. Change has to be constant, supported, visualized and cemented with goals. Don't find example with those businesses and individuals that aren't making it, challenge yourself and your organization by following only the ones that are.

Being someone that exercises change means that some times you're morph won't be noticed, or may be doubted and misunderstood. Confidence and influence are signs of change. Knowledge is the foundation, true. Only constant application, focus, modification and evaluation breed real change. Add regular accountability and you have nothing short of change.

What's the difference between the person who comes in on time and reads the brochures and the one who comes in a little earlier to walk the inventory? Or the sales pro that peppers conversation with technology buzz words versus the person that actually takes personal time to understand and use it?

Today a GSM related a great story to me about a salesperson that wrote postcards to clients every day. They were personalized, had value, reminded the owner of money-saving tips for their car and more. Is it any surprise that salesperson exceeded all expectations? Is it any surprise that the person built a large business? Is it any surprise that the person came from outside the auto industry?

Calling a spade a spade is only part of the game. Anyone who's listened to the news and repeated it to someone else know that. Knowing is only part of the game. What game do you want to be in? If you'e in sales, you need to excel. Who what you want, know how to get it, know when you want it by and don't accept anything less.

If you do those things, you don't have to be like the rest of the people. People will still question you…even question your past! Let them…you'll figure out what they're focused on. Stay focused on the prize! Nobody ever got far looking backwards…

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

Don’t Have The Time? You Can’t Make It But You Can Absolutely Get It Done!

So many people…so little time! Man, you can't get away from the fear and excuses….it's the age of "I don't have enough time do to that"…"I can't add anything to my plate"…"If only I had another day in my week to pull that off"! Everyone is busy but few are actually doing much. The ones who see opportunity always figure a way to get things done, followed by the rest thinking they're just 'lucky' or that they have more 'resources'.

Can you hear it now? Most people pulling up to the drive-thru and…"I'd like to get a couple orders of comfortable, one with a side of laziness and the other with some lack of desire. Oh, and a serving of nothing new please for dessert!". Fear may keep you from being the bottom producer but only a strong control of your calendar and priorities can make time seem like your friend, even advocate!

Prioritization is not a strength of many. It's a skill put to good use by the few. Most of the time the difference between getting something done and not is simply how much drive you have to get to a desired result. Last time I checked, you can't make a mortgage payment selling two, three or even four cars a month. In bike racing it's not the fittest that typically wins. Rather the smartest, most attentive and thorough that takes the gold.

Is what you're doing taking you toward your goals or further away? It's that simple! Planning, priorities, assessment, review, comparison, tracking and visualization are all tools that you must use to be an effective user of time. Read: user, not controller. You absolutely can not control time. However it is your effectiveness that allows you to be less controlled by it!

Challenge yourself to learn the skills of better controlling what you do and fitting more into your schedule that drives results. Your other choice is to have another month of the same. Which is your better opportunity right now?

Time is relentless…You should be as well!

Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results