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You Didn’t Care About The Cheese In the First Place, So Move On

Many today rant about change and how someone moved their cheese. The mindset of those who expect a static retail world show many who effuse about “the Good Old Days” while using mobile apps for airline tickets, ESPN Mobile for football scores and drive times delivered to their home desktops prior to leaving for the office.

The paradigm hasn’t shifted as much as it’s already taken the dirt nap.  If you’re not ready for consumer-based everything, it’s time to reassess where you fit into automotive retail.

As an industry, we fall grandiosely behind what consumers expect. Recently a friend of mine’s mother was shopping for a vehicle.  They caught an ad (yes, a newspaper one) and showed up at the dealer to find out that the stacked rebate offer was sold only the day before.  After reprimanding that they should have never looked at a newspaper anything, the shopper retooled and headed out via web-based information (the new 2013 vehicle was purchased yesterday, from an honest dealership).

Since the very-public FTC crack down (and resulting settlements) on dealerships just a couple months ago, it is easy to see that the cheese moving has nothing to do with our comfort zone, consumerism or reality. By and large, dealerships will continue to do as done: Get the customer in. foursquare them, throw the keys on the roof and keep them caged for a number of hours, lest they escape when the salesperson leaves for the “desk”.

A few weeks ago, at the Innovative Dealer Summit in Denver, my presentation included a statement: “given the chance, 75% of dealerships would turn off their websites tomorrow”. Frankly speaking, that’s likely not too far off from the truth. This is based on entering and speaking with hundreds of dealerships a year. What can be done to alleviate the burden from those that don’t want it?

Automotive retail must move at the speed of the consumer, not pull the wool over their eyes even faster!  The longer we live in year-1995 speakers and training, the faster customers will leave and push consumer-direct sales and other alternatives. Remember folks, 1994 was the year that Ford initially launched FordDirect.com!

The tools, data (for some- to most-part), capabilities and technology are available to us today. Let’s not bury the positive side of retail with 6-hour visits, bait-and-switch tactics, “we’re always here” mentality and less-than-deserved experiences because we are still waiting for the “up bus”.

If you aren’t ready for the cheese to be moved (newsflash: it already did), move on. Let someone else fill your position rather than having your sales staff ask a potential customer “would you buy it for fourteen-five?” when you don’t intend to come off of seventeen and back that up with an awkward T.O. only to find the customer gone in a minute! Consumers expect more, and damn it so do you, so why do it?

Maybe it’s time to forget the cheese and move onto whine… (Oops, meant wine).


Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

It’s That Time Of The Year: A Legacy Or 2 Steps Forward, 20 Years Back

Confernce season! You're about to experience record-setting attendance, more technology than will choke a horse, speaker after speaker, keynote after keynote and talk about how 2012 should be your year to embrace it all. Oh, and the budgets! Take here, put there and add everywhere that starts with digital. Whew, welcome to the conference season.

This is the time of the year that makes the chasm between doers and don't doers greater, creates the delta between those who practice and those who pretend and allows those who want, a battle cry. But it's no guarantee of success. Recently IM@CS experienced its fifth pre-term cancellation in the past four plus years. What happened? One person leaving. One really good, very focused, and awake individual…but still one person. It was an experience that you might call two steps forward, 20 years back. There is no focus on the web there now.

Remember that staying on top of everything that's changing and relevant takes time, attention, questions, resources and commitment. When that one person, or in some cases few people, don't do the work for the many or depart the dealership, what happens? Where is the commitment that is required to truly be successful? It's not the ideas or initial execution that makes the difference, it is the promise to maintain for the long term. It may even include an expectation for excellence and signifiacnt cost. Every individual that has applied a successful strategy for web-based results in their dealership or group has been doing so for a while. In some cases, a very long while. These are experiences that you might call building a legacy.

So take heed. Commit to what comes after the events. Make a differnce starting with the decision to go. The cost of attending an event like the DrivingSales Executive Summit is one of the smallest you'll ever make. Most dealers spend more on coffee or shuttling customers to the local mall in a month. And those costs don't grow your business anywhere close to the amount that a digital investment will.

A legacy starts with a unbending determination to see things through, not giving up at the first sign of resistence or willing to settle for mediocre. And sitting down listening to someone telling you what you should do versus talking with someone about how to do it is a massive difference. Today it seems as though more dealers are willing to settle for second rate and not executing a plan over doing the work it takes to build to the point of success and making sure everyone is on board. Last time we checked, an engine doesn't run without fuel and a stuck cylinder means problems. Always move forward. Even fail forward. But move forward.

Yes, it's that time of the year again. But it's always that time of the year. The battles are won and the vision grows every day in the trenches. Press forward with a commitment to you, your business, your staff, your product and ultimately your customers. Remember that is why we do what we do. Refuse to take the backward steps that more businesses seem to do today. Don't compromise. Because you're better off doing it or quitting it. Are you in it to quit it?

And lastly, with a heavy heart for the loss we experienced today, consider some of the words that Steve Jobs has shared and how it relates to us:

“But it’s a disservice to constantly put things in this radical new light — that it’s going to change everything. Things don’t have to change the world to be important.”

“That’s been one of my mantras — focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.”

“Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have. When Apple came up with the Mac, IBM was spending at least 100 times more on R&D. It’s not about money. It’s about the people you have, how you’re led, and how much you get it.”

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

So are you ready for what needs to take place after conference season? We'd like to hear from those who are….


Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

The Almighty Salesperson…And The Almighty Dollar

Somewhere, over time, the thing in the middle of you and a buck (customer, client, deal, contract) was swept away even though that is was business is all about. It seems like the easy ride, free equity, huge perks and general "asleep at the wheel" mentality gave way to a gaping hole the size of a small planet. And guess who allowed it to happen? We did.

You can give excuse after excuse, allow yourself all of the credit in the world, but at the end of the day are you going to make it happen…now? When all the cards are down and showing? Do you need a poker face when you're exposed? What matters most now? Simple: Your plan.

"Plan A" is unbelievable success through the right amount and balance of effort, reading, edification, support and just plain work. Life will give you your "Plan B' and "Plan C" so don't worry about that. So many salespeople talk about the 'issues' that exist in today's environment. Fact is boys and girls, we MAKE our own environment. Is yours one of positive and and undying commitment to your goals?

People talk about legacy, in both positive and negative ways, especially when considering a backward perspective. How focused are you in your forward growth? In your tomorrow? In your passion? What are you building that will be looked at as a legacy? Is it the mint $1 bill (or 5, 10, 20 or 100) in that nice frame on your office or business wall with the 'best wishes' note on it? Is that what you look at every day? Are you dedicated to what happened 5, 10, 20 or 100 years ago and not tomorrow?

Your satisfied customers (and those that aren't yet) are what should drive you to do what it takes (in addition to the mission statement that took you 4 days, 26 pots of coffee and a close friend to come up with). Absolutely go for the dollars. Grab as many as you can. Just don't look like a desperate fool in one of those dollar bill blower booths scrambling for a whopping $68 in 'winnings'.

Look at your customers as a new way to get better, to learn, to listen, to apply something interesting you heard, to get one step closer to 'new and improved' and even to realize that this person in front of you has 100 (or 1,000) behind them. Whatever you do, never look at that person as keeping you from your sale, commission, goal, bonus, kickback or spiff.

Look, if you've already placed your bet on the 'industry coming back in 6 months so wait', more power to you. Stay on that path! However, if you're completely dedicated to the things that matter most to you along with the almighty dollar, quit making excuses and daydreaming. Make what you're aiming for the first priority every day and then go from there, in order of things that only support that goal.

Remember to risk everything, or stand in line with the 'others':

  • You will get what you want from your business only when you help other people get what they want.  
  • You will get what you want from yourself only when you completely empower yourself to unbelievable success…

Remember that winning develops confidence. If you want to build a winning habit, if requires that you make a decision. And make it now so you have it when you reach the office in the morning.

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results