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How to Use Social Media to Attract More Customers – Free Marketing Webinar


Businesses now have the power to leverage the Internet — search
engines, blogs, social media — to reach customers more effectively.
This includes connecting with customers where they hang out online and
engaging in conversations about the topics most important to them.
Social CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is all about joining the
ongoing conversations our customers and prospects are already having
and not trying to control them. It's realizing that people like doing
business with people they like and love doing business with people they

This free webinar will cover:
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  • How to use social media to connect with customers online
  • Creating content to attract more customers to your business
  • Tools to help you manage and measure your social media efforts

Date: Tues. April 14, 2009

Time: 2PM ET (GMT -5)

Duration: 1 Hour

Who should attend?

Marketing professionals and business owners. No technical experience required.


Special guest presenter: Brent Leary, co-founder and Partner of CRM Essentials and recognized expert in the field of social CRM (Customer Relationship Management)


Water The Tree…Then Turn A New Leaf

Many people in training and consulting today focus almost entirely on the 'what-to-do-now' with a few fundamentals which can work well for some dealers, even those that are struggling with online marketing, lead handling and brand extension/equity.

That can be absolutely fine, turning a new leaf and running down after what's next. Do that without watering the whole tree…and the leaf dies with the tree. Your wonderful new iPhone, Storm or Omnia are wonderful, technological wonders…that can't stop you from having an entire conversation of "uhhs, umms, ahhs and ya knows".

Dealers, it's time to get serious about the help you need, not the help you think you need. Hot on vSEO to drive organic traffic? How many more leads can you take when your current ones are being answered effectively? Paying more to market your pre-owned vehicles so more traffic sees your inventory? Only for the public to see mediocre (or no) pictures and realize that you haven't taken the time to focus on keywords and correct descriptions? Guess what…your competition got it right! Afraid to ask your next customer for a recommendation? How then can you get it online?

It's past the time to seriously look at everything you are doing today and how to improve those before you go onto the next thing that can mask an inadequacy. Not that you're expected to be perfect, nobody is going to ask you of that…gosh, consultants and trainers aren't either!

But you have to absolutely do the fundamentals consistently and as correctly as possible before you spend the extra $2,000 a month on the new whippersnappermagicaldoodah. Water the whole tree and every leaf gets lifted higher and everyone gets to grow together (and stay around a little while longer).

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

Tear It Apart and Rebuild It…Better

Most of us who have spent any amount of time in sales realize that our
database/contact/Rolodex carries an incredible amount of value, in many
cases more than our skills or abilities. With the prevalence of CRM and
other database software, many believe that the job is done. Nothing can
be further than the truth.

Today it's more important than ever to continually tear down the client
database and make sure it delivers the most value and revenue possible.
Auto retailers are notoriously bad in this area and, quite honestly,
deserve the reputation. When we send the same newsletter, flier, direct
mail, etc to every customer/prospect, what type of message are we

Better put, consider John Doe who's shopping for a Heeker Shnazer Beta
1. He sends two leads directly to two Heeker Shnazer dealers and also
requests quotes from dealers through CarsStink.com and
DontBuyACarHere.com which send the leads to three more Heeker Shnazer
dealers. When he doesn't buy for a few weeks, every dealer sends him
virtually the same eNewsletter linked to the same site with the same
content! It's great to be fast, respond, ask questions and try to get
the appointment but what are we really doing to connect with our guests?

If you are not segmenting your database and your customers, specifying
your content and setting expectations, someone else will. Or worse yet,
the lacking experience continues to validate consumers' opinion of car

So, what does it take?
1. Start understanding why your 'ups' are in the market and actually put that info in your CRM
A. Empty nesters
B. Soccer mom
C. Petmobile
D. Weekend driver
2. Create a field so you can segment your database based on those categories
3. Set certain fields in your CRM that must be completed
A. email and/or text (customers cell & service carrier allow you to text message for free)
B. Reason in market
C. Follow up parameters
D. What they do (work, leisure, family, etc)

Remember, contextually relevant content will bring a person back. If
they don't open your first three emails/eNewsletters, they most likely
won't open one 36 months from now (if they don't unsubscribe in the
first place) when they're in market again. Don't blame your email
marketing company, you're the one that bought the same service your
competitor did. Remember: YOU are the marketer. Not the brand you sell.

Don't waste all of the data that you get when you're qualifying,
walking and delivering your customers or store it in the computer
behind your eyes. Work your database, update your database, market your
database and use your database effectively.

If you regularly check and rebuild your database, it will pay you back
handsomely. Do it yourself so you are not depending on something or
someone else to do it, which is the road to failure. Once you start
being really relevant, you won't believe where all the customers came

Be smart, be efficient, be relevant, be timely, be smart…be successful.

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results