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IM@CS Invited To Participate At Essential Upcoming Industry Events

Today it was confirmed that IM@CS' Gary May has been invited as a speaker at both the Innovative Dealer Summit in Denver March 30 and Automotive Marketing Boot Camp in Orlando April 16-18. Additionally, the opening session at the Orlando event will feature a CRM discussion panel moderated by Gary May. These events are great opportunities for progressive dealers that showcase some of the best talent in the industry and IM@CS is pleased to be involved.

March 30 in Denver, just prior to the opening of the Denver Auto Show, the Colorado Auto Dealers Association (CADA) will host the second Innovative Dealer Summit (#IDS) one-day event to showcase technology, process, compliance and strategy for its dealers. The initial event took place last August and it exceeded expectation for all in attendance. IM@CS' session will be about Marketing Integration.

Come April 16-18 in Orlando, PCG Digital Marketing's Automotive Marketing Boot Camp (#AMBC) will provide attendees with one of the most thorough and encompassing educational curriculums available featuring "bring your laptop" classes over the two and a half day agenda. IM@CS will present on Dealership Branding and moderate the panel discussion on dealership use of CRM systems. Dealers interested in attending the event can get an IM@CS discount by being a reader of our blog!


It is always a pleasure to meet the dealers that are making the most significant investments in their digital presence and results and these two events will be no exception. 2011 will be the starting block for a number of automotive retailers with their eyes set on growing their business and focusing on leading…

2011 Will Be A Great Year…Even If You Don’t Participate

It's no secret that over the past three years, some pretty forward-thinking information was provided to the automotive industry franchise dealer body. All 24,000 plus of them (not ignoring the independents here, just making a point). Over the coming weeks, all 20,000 of the franchise dealers will get more critically important data. Just like before, it's up to them to participate.

2011 will be a great year. Fewer than last year will make up the bulk of increases in sales, count on it. The most web-versed, socially-minded, communication-skilled and forward-thinking will win. Many of those dealers will win impressively. So the same question bears repeating: why not more? Has the carnage not been great enough? Is there too much money in the coffers still? Or is it that management is still happy sitting on their "duffs" of the bay?

2011 will be a great year. There will be more talent available for dealers to select their next sales, service and parts teams and management from. Efficiency will increase, while hopefully not at the sake of bottom lines. In other words there should be more people working at dealerships unless dealerships ignore the potential increase to their business.

2011 will be a great year. The product lines continue to get better and consumer demand for a wider array of cars (not the same car re-badged) is greater than ever. Floor traffic at the dealers that deserve it will most definitely increase. Savvier dealer marketing and engagement will increase penetration in service departments, expect it. And many dealers will experience true conquest for the very first time because they did it, not the badge.

2011 will be a great year. Technoloy will continue to becon to a larger and larger customer base so those more comfortable with technology will take advantage of that. Chaging interests in Green and alternatives will compel a few more dealers to become as engaged with those movements as their customers. Building dealership brands will become a more heated conversation than building new dealership facilities (no, that won't go away).

So how great of a year will 2011 be for you and your store? Everyone, yes everyone, is betting their bottom dollar — and bottoms — that the numbers will be up. We even believe that will be the case. Remember: it's not what you make, it's what you keep. So if you didn't like what 2010 brought, you may not really be satisfied once 2011 closes it's doors.

2011 will be a great year. Oh by the way, for the ones that will be successful, 2011 has already begun. For those that want to join us, what's stopping you???…

Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

Branding, Communication and Process For Dummies (AKA All Of Us) In Time For NADA

If education, reinforcement, results and transparency are the benchmarks of success why are we all not more successful than we are right now? More often than not, in our beloved industry, what has been around for a long time is considered as accepted or the norm and what is new is rejected with rare exception. At the end of the day we're branders and communicators entirely and inextricably linked to the success or failure of process. Well, we need a wake up call.

Recently there has been a barrage of articles on everything from social media must do's for car dealers to self-indulgent bantering among dealership consultants, from incessantly republishing authoritative sources to fill pages and drive traffic to kicking dead horses and old ghosts. And who are we kidding? The whole industry has to wake up to new ways of doing business, engaging consumers that control content, delivering more value than flash to dealerships, learning more than preaching and finally…wait for it…stop talking about what you don't understand.

So what's the difference between ignoring technology because management says "you can sell without it", the Barracuda firewall encasing your dealership is controlled by a corporate yes man who thinks that every 10 minutes on Facebook is one unit lost and your so-called vendors swear they're "all over it" and getting passed by like a 911 GT3 in 6th gear? Not much unless you truly desire to be in business and profitable over the next 24 months.

Every piece of real data out there shows the same thing: brand, communication and process control your path. Not advertising. Not high-pressure salesmanship. Not displacing your cranium under the warm sand. Brand is shared. Communication is shared. Process doesn't need to be shared but without it you won't remember where the brand and communication go (even if you've got really good hair, a tan and bling to win over GMs and dealer principals with).

So, when's the last time you went through your website (and saw keyword stuffing and out-of-date optimization)? Checked out your templates (and saw that they didn't have links in your signature block)? Really customized your 'newsletter' (that is the same as everyone else's)? Checked, double-checked and then triple-checked your third-party lead sources (unless you have no issue with them showing 80 leads and 315 phone calls when you're positive that the real number is half that)? Do you truly know what your site analytics show? How are those inbound links working for you? And your press releases? When was the last blog post you did?

Today I overheard a salesperson getting educated at a dealership. Rather than say trained, we'll go with that. He was asked not to say "welcome to (name of dealership), my name is (his name), how can I help you?". It was explained that by putting the showroom guest in the position of being 'helped' that they will feel put off or less empowered and it was better to offer assistance by saying "how can I assist you?".

Let's not kid ourselves any more. Many in automotive retail need HELP and those that ask will get it from the best sources the industry has to offer, as long as they're willing to go with the new. As you check out all that has to be offered in Orlando this weekend, where is your help going to come from?

Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

So Much Good Stuff…Does It Make You Want To Ignore It All?

It's no secret that over the past few months things have really been taking off in the online automotive space for dealers and a lot of attention is being paid to the more leading edge, innovative companies (and some not-so-leading-edge ones).  It really seems that retail is starting to embrace, at a minimum, the 'change' in mindset.  At the same time it's not too hard to see that it may be overload.

When you consider the amount of good information, new technology, availability of tools (especially those that are free or inexpensive), vast selection of downloads/blogs/webinars and more, it really seems like a heyday for flipping the switch and going forward like a gleaming new Boeing 787,  But just like the impressive 'Dreamliner", you can't get off the ground if your resources aren't trained for the flight.

We still seem to be hamstrung by our best resource: staff, desire, goal-setting, application, training and simple commitment.  In a recent meeting, a general manager was talking about how he'd like to offload the lead handling to a staff member.  Yes…a GM wanted to have someone else take up the task of correctly touching, responding to and managing the leads.  Huh?!?!?!?!?

All of this made me flash back to the AM/PM radio spots with their campaign "Too Much Good Stuff".  We can SEO/PPC/CRM/DMS/PMA/CPO/RO/MICKEYMOUSE a dealer to death.  By the same token, you've got to be able to execute on all of those lovely acronyms.  Start with the leads.

Don't have the right person(s)?  You had better look at all of your sales staff.  Don't apply any excuses to any one of them.  Can't type an effective email?  Chances are you can't communicate very effectively on the floor.  Sorry, you must not ignore one and not the other.  They go hand-in-hand.  Can't turn on a monitor or CPU?  Just imagine that all of the 'old dogs' on your sales floor had to learn something about navigation/Bluetooth/OnStar/Sync/back up assist/iDrive and more on new cars over the past few years.  And chances are your 40-50 plus year-old techs in the back have had to learn something (actually a heck of a lot) that's new under the hood.  Again, stop excusing lack and ignoring ignorance.

Don't have someone that can lead efforts on your website, integration, social media, templates, vendor management and more?  You need one.  Don't hire a salesperson to do it…and don't hire an IT person either.  Hire someone with a balance of skills covering all the aspects: communication, technology, customer service and ensure that it's someone that can conjugate what they'll do for you, not what they did for someone else.

Understand, staff, educate, execute and then lead with some consistent effort and passion.  Every dealer that wants to thrive, let alone survive, must be able to assess and improve on ALL aspects of their presence, brand and sales, especially online.  To get better results you've got to think and do things differently.  And that doesn't mean thinking differently by keeping the person on that has been selling 3-6 cars a month for months just to have them post in social media networks (by the way, that's a mistake!).

Here's a challenge: Make your business plans by December 31, target your staff and online needs, plot your strategy, write everything down, stick to it all year long and (here's the hard part) do everything that you're in control of and ignore the rest.

The difference this coming year between you making online work for you and not making it work can be devastating.  Make "Too Much Good Stuff" work for you and then take it all…

Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

The Shiny New Tool Loses Luster: When The Belt Is Full

Come on, let's admit it. If someone launches a new tool, application, service, widget, doohickey, gizmo or gadget, we'll all explode. We are so full of tools, you likely feel like the Craftsman section at your local Sears…

Fact is we can probably expect more and that is what keeps pushing the bar forward. With the store closures, OEM staff reductions, agency layoffs and more you can likely look forward to more consultants, new software, increased industry service providers and just plain more 'stuff'.

And considering how most owners, GMs and GSMs buy stuff, there may be cause for more companies wanting to get their piece of a smaller spend pie because they're 'new, shiny, better, sexier or have great advertising'. Folks, we're not using all the tools you have currently, even if you don't really know how to use them in the first place (Ok, you can put all of your hands down because we know you haven't seen your so-called rep in nearly a year who promised the latest training you needed months ago).

More than ever, it's not about sticking with who you already have, simply saving a buck or not taking meetings with new vendors (excuses today are a penny a dozen). Simply put, you get what you pay for. If you are saving $200 a month between one service and another, you had better know what you're missing. If you're not investing in your staff's education/training (yes, I hate that word but the old guard will understand it), you might as well lower your unit forecast by 25-40%. And if you're not willing to take 'another meeting', you might as well hand a few extra dollars to your competitor down the street and take the rest of the week off.

Overwhelmed by technology? Don't ignore it, please! Don't understand something? Get a non-manager in your office that will use the tool/service and get THEIR take on it first hand, don't just give them a sell sheet and have them make a decision.

Over the next couple weeks, IM@CS is going to take a deeper dive into services available to the industry and write 'em up. We'll cover mobile, chat and inventory to start and see where it takes us. We hope to clear up misconceptions, especially around price since nearly everyone seems to be completely misguided on saving a buck versus being more effective. And then we'll try to take it from there…hope you get to use the information in profitable ways!!

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

If Opposites Attract, Why Didn’t I Sell 30 Cars Last Month?

Let's face it, if the simple fact was that opposites attract, every dealership would sell out of cars…every month. Actually, that's not quite true. Opposites do attract, but we're talking about much more serious issues than simply attraction. Why in the world would someone want to buy from you?

First, there's the typical stuff: Are you prepared? Do you have the same opening and closing process that you use every day? Do you know/walk your inventory daily? Do you know your ad cars? Are you qualifying your customer correctly?

Now, and possibly more important, there's the newer stuff: Do you know your website? Do you know your competition's? How many leads can you handle correctly (and not just call or email once)? How often do you network (and not just online)? How is your follow up, really? Does management have your back or are you just off the back?

When you look at things realistically, you've never sold a car in your life. Not trying for semantics here, just a honest look under the hood. Ever had a green pea outsell you? Of course! Today it's much more about everything but the sale. Don't pull the wool over your own eyes.

When recommending new technology, companies or services to dealer clients, I continue to hear the same excuse as to why they won't use/buy/check out something that will be a complete benefit: "my people are just here to sell!" And there's the problem folks (or at least the biggest after credit and flooring/financing issues).

The more you act like you did when the gravy poured, the more you'll struggle. The more you treat customers like suckers, the more your showroom will chirp with the sound of crickets. However, the more you do things the you've ignored, the more you understand how to use technology, the more you keep up-to-date and trained, the more you listen to your prospects and clients, the more success you will experience.

The world's most expensive, luxurious, technological, streamlined, incredibly fast vehicle can't do crap if it's out of gas. The most beautiful facility with gleaming service bays, hi-tech lounge, ready-to-go espresso machine and great looking receptionist can't generate a dime without the right resources.

By the same token, quit expecting better results without doing the things that have to be done: having the right associates, educating them, using technology correctly, having the best vendors and support and 'filling up the tank to full'.

Start attracting business and maintaining it instead of…the opposite.

Best Practices: Professional Insight, Power Results

What Are You Doing About What Your Competition Is Not?

Everyone's worried about their bottom line, revenues, expenses, marketing,future and what's going to happen next. Worrying so much they have forgotten how to think forward and act intuitively. Better yet, they're not even paying attention to what is not being done by competitors (in and out-of-brand) that can easily be capitalized on.

Two years we were talking about 'an edge'. Now most every dealership is talking about falling off of it. Nothing has changed…nothing! Now, you may have to be more selective and conscience. But you have to market, you have to connect, you must communicate and you absolutely need to build.

Here's a little secret about what 80-90% of dealerships in your market are not doing (or doing effectively at all):

  • Online marketing: SEO, SEM (paid search/PPC, banner ads, etc)
    • Google Analytics (please!)
  • Customer Relationship Management: email, events, incentives
  • Social networking: Facebook, Twitter, Plaxo, etc for increase engagement
    • And drives first two bullets!
  • Reputation management: DealerRater, CarFolks, MyDealerReport, Yelp, etc
    • And drives first three bullets!
  • Capitalize on resources for education
    • Automotive Digest, Digital Dealer, AutomotiveDigitalMarketing, Driving Sales
  • Capitalize on resources for training
    • Consultants, brand events, networking (chamber, local businesses, etc)

More often than not, 10% or less of the 'things that must get done' are and even when they do get done, they're not maintained. Some of the MOST fundamental activities are just not being done and for what?

  • The road to hell is paved with good intention
  • The road to debt is paved with discounts
  • The reason that 90% of people fail is the inability to deal with people
  • Nobody ever earned a dollar without spending one

These are the times when (as a good friend of mine in the industry put it) you can get a larger piece of a smaller pie or you can save yourself to death. Most everything listed here can be done for free to hundred of dollars per month.

One of IM@CS' clients has reduced their marketing expense by nearly 85%, increased their brand exposure, delivered more cars in the past month than they did over the past six, is driving over 25% more web traffic and nearly doubling their own website leads over the past three quarters. They're doing all of the above.

It's completely up to you. So what are you doing about what your competition is not? Someone has to wake up first and get going. It might as well be you!

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

Best Practice Consutling: How And Why Do It? Can’t I Just Watch An Online Video?

Why hire a consultant or contractor? Why pay someone for a little work when I can bring on a new employee for the same or less? Consultants only tell you what you already know but charge you for it! I don't want an idea or process person, I want a do-it person!

Yes, those are common comments (direct or indirect) that reflect some of the frustration that is typically borne out of paying for something that you believe you're getting versus what you actually get. Truth is the greatest benefits a business can ever receive is accurate 'outside' information.

Many people ask what 'best practices' are or why the term is used instead of just 'consulting'. Since there are many ways to interpret how a goal is set, course of action is drawn, possibilities determined and application is completed, it is important to ensure constant collaboration. Fact is, so many aspects can be viewed subjectively. Also consider that anyone can sell or buy what's in a book or what has already been done. More often than not in today's climate, what's necessary are customized or completely unique solutions that must be applied. The partnership between provider and client along with very specific goals are the glue.

The Wikipedia defines best practices as follows:

An idea that asserts that there is a technique,
method, process, activity, incentive or reward that is more effective
at delivering a particular outcome than any other technique, method,
process, etc. The idea is that with proper processes, checks, and
testing, a desired outcome can be delivered with fewer problems and
unforeseen complications. Best practices can also be defined as the
most efficient (least amount of effort) and effective (best results)
way of accomplishing a task, based on repeatable procedures that have
proven themselves over time for large numbers of people.

Despite the need to improve on processes as times change and things evolve, best-practice is considered by some as a business buzzword
used to describe the process of developing and following a standard way
of doing things that multiple organizations can use for management,
policy, and especially software systems.

As the term has become more popular, some organizations have begun
using "best practices" to refer to what are in fact 'rules', causing a linguistic drift in which a new term such as "good ideas" is needed to refer to what would previously have been called "best practices."

Simply put, it describes a concept of being dynamic and staying out front via perpetual process improvement. If the goals for your business include fundamental advancement, engagement, education and awareness, it may just be what you need.

There are some great consultants out there. Take the time to find one that works based on your needs, not theirs. Right now more dealerships than ever need help. Things are changing so rapidly and they won't stop. Get someone from outside your business to help things run better for your business. And listen…you'll thank me later.

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

Chat Up Your Inventory: Leverage Chat to Reach In-Market Shoppers and Win the Sale


Date: Friday, Feb. 13, 2009
Time: Noon to 1 p.m. (Eastern)
Location: Your Computer
Cost: FREE Click Here

Online advertising allows car buyers to connect with you in myriad ways: making a phone call, sending an email, visiting the store or clicking over to your store's website. The growing use of chat among online shoppers creates an additional channel to reach in-market shoppers and compete for their business. This webinar outlines the new communication strategies required to engage internet car buyers and stay with them throughout their shopping process.

In this session led by Kathy Kimmel, a Cars.com automotive consulting and dealer training manager, you'll learn how to:

  • Incorporate chat functionality into your online listings
  • Answer shoppers' questions and obtain their name and contact information
  • Encourage shoppers to set and keep an appointment
  • Follow up with prospects until they buy a car
