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Four Down, Seventeen Thousand To Go

The last four years have been a blur. Everything has been. From search to social. From template to script. From inbound to outbound. From high line to in line. From DMS to CRM. There have been times where the greatest part of building has simply been the lack of tearing down. It’s been work, even a pain, and it’s all been worth it.

The clients, the information, the partnerships, the alliances, the events, the suppliers, the sources, the reading, the sharing, the confusion, the mistakes, the opportunities, the defeats, the victories. One thing doesn’t stand out more than the other except the constant movement. Each day, all one thousand four hundred sixty of them, has started with an enthusiasm, a passion, a dream, a goal, a commitment, a push, a joy.

Yes, we've been eating the elephant a bite at a bite. One of the most gratifying parts is the tasty pieces. One of the most humbling parts is realizing what you’re doing while you’re in the moment. Our industry now moves at the speed of retail. Which means it moves at its ability to get out of its own way. Much too often there is a focus on moving ahead before there is even an understanding and acknowledgement of a desire to do so. Sometimes the hardest part of moving is the willingness to stop, look and listen.

Obstacles aren’t hurdles, they’re gut checks. They’re sometimes ways that remind us to adjust and sometimes they’re simply a deep breath before continuing on the path. Changing businesses is not a small undertaking. The level of trust required is awesome. Remember that success is measured by how long the changes last, not how fast you simply make change.

Right now is such an incredibly dynamic time. Better said, it’s likely the most dynamic ever. Yet businesses are being led down more paths than ever on guarantees that can’t be made, or measured, or tracked. If you do what we do and you do it more for a check than leaving a legacy, talk with yourself.

Four years later the work is harder, the goals are greater and results are sweeter. Every one of our clients deserves a heartfelt “Thank You” for making us work, keeping us honest and staying committed to their vision. Thank you to the clients that let us go too, as humbling as that is, because is made us think and become better.

And an important thank you to the entire industry. The good, the bad and the ugly. May we raise the determination to learn and change, ridding ourselves of old school mentality, waste and reluctance. Just because something worked for decades doesn’t make it right nor beneficial. Remember that at the end of the day we are all consumers. There a lots of “us” coming through the doors of dealerships. Let’s recognize and celebrate that. Let that fact evoke a stronger calling to improve. Every day.

Four years since IM@CS started. 17,000 more dealerships to improve. Who’s with us?


Man isn’t afraid of his own shadow. Just getting out of its way   –Gary May


Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results


When You Hit The Wall…Again. And Again.

From time to time, even with the best plans, strategy, resources and more, it becomes painfully clear that you're not going to make it. Unfortunately, some people experience this state of being for far too long. In automotive retail, there are even those that are paralyzed by it for, well, eons. In sports if you have two false starts you're gone. Why does 1,479 false starts constitute holding on to a process or salesperson at a dealership?

One of the many benefits of calling on dealers all over the country is the face time with some great people. Hearing many clearly defined business and action plans is inspiring and creates hope that things continue to look up. Having dealerships that used to track leads in archaic software, or even Excel, switching to advanced CRMs is inspiring. Chopping off the top salespeople or totally turning your sales department upside down and starting over? Now that can make even the greatest skeptic smile!

There is no question that times are changing for our retailers. About five years late. Some of the areas of greatest discussion recently (not counting social media) are how we keep the best and brightest, or attract them, and compensate them, how to incorporate tools that should help us but ultimately cost too much or don't do what they are supposed to, how to cut costs and how to stop giving up gross.

We don't claim to have the answers but have some thoughts to mitigate the typical course of (1) I can't change things so I won't even try, (2) I don't know where/how to start, (3) I tried before and failed, or (4) fill in the excuse you use: take risks in small doses in the right direction, ask for help because there is a lot of good, free advice (especially in the online automotive forums), start creating more buy-in with top management before you try to 'sell it' and simply convince yourself that the goals you envision are worth achieving!

Many times turning heads and making waves is actually less of a risk that doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result. We've all seen or known people who were burned out that we had pegged as being a superstar.

For most of us, the greatest help we can receive in avoiding 'hitting the wall' is common sense, some outside counsel and a firm dedication to what we know will work. Remember, we're here to (clap) pump…you up!

Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

Webinar: Best Practices for Incorporating Video into Email
Silverpop | Engagement Marketing Solutions - From First Click to Lifetime Customer

Best Practices for Incorporating Video into

Register Now!

nearly a decade, email marketers struggled to overcome the deliverability
challenges of video in email without much success. Email marketers who
experiment without a proper understanding of where video works, where it
doesn't, limitations of video inclusion methods, and a thorough understanding of
video best practices are likely to encounter significant roadblocks.

This free Webinar will outline:

  • What is video’s role in email – what are the
  • How does video increase engagement
  • How and when video should be incorporated
    into your program
  • Good and bad examples
  • "Return on video"

Justin Foster, Co-Founder of Liveclicker,
will provide an objective look at the drawbacks and possibilities of the
different methods used to achieve video in email, profile emerging technology
research, and share case studies, facts, best practices, and answer your
questions about video in email.


  • Date: January
    28, 2010
  • Time: 2 p.m.
    EST / 11 a.m. PST
  • Speaker:
    Justin Foster – Co-Founder of Liveclicker
  • Moderator:
    Loren McDonald, Vice President of Industry Relations, Silverpop

Register Now!


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January 28, 2010
2 p.m. EST / 11 a.m. PST

Register Today!


"This was a
great webinar with lots of value for email marketers."

"Very informational – you will see
more of me!"

"Excited about the video and email
webinar in January!"


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